Tuesday 3 February 2009

Recommended Website of the Month - Lalisio Literature

Posted by Andy

OK, so we're only three days into February, but I thought I'd recommend a useful website, well a search engine for your perusal. Lalisio Literature is a rather nice looking search engine (along the lines of Google Scholar), which searches three different types of academic literature, books, journals and open access articles. They say: "Lalisio Literature is a search engine designed to help you find the right literature for your research, studies, teaching and leisure."

How do they do it?
"For this purpose, we cooperate with major providers of international literature databases: Top booksellers such as Amazon, Abebooks and Powell's are among our partners as well as open access repositories such as arXiv and PubMed Central. Due to the integration of open access repositories our users can find and access cutting-edge articles mostly free of charge. Based on our analyses of content from numerous sources, we develop helpful search suggestions and relevance indicators for your literature search and help you quickly identify the literature you really want."
© Lalisio Literature

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